Google Sheets Asset

Import data from Google Sheets

Google Sheets can be used as an input to the Spreadsheet Utility. Importing data from Google Sheets means your data can be edited in a browser by anyone, anywhere and updated instantly in Cavalry.

To import a Sheet:

  1. Right click in the Assets Window and choose Import Google Sheet...

  2. Enter the url of your sheet into the dialogue window (you can copy/ paste this from the address bar/omnibox of your browser) and hit OK.

Link Sharing should be set to On and either Public on the web or Anyone with the link.

You will now have a Google Sheet Asset appear in the Assets Window.

To update any changes to the Sheet right click on the Google Sheet Asset and choose Reload.

To reference a specific sheet/tab, copy the url from the address bar/omnibox of your browser with that sheet/tab open.

The Google Sheets integration is something we're calling an Asset Provider behind the scenes. The bigger picture is that we (or third parties) can hook into other APIs and build out other providers like Twitter, Facebook, Leap Motion, a midi controller etc. Basically a door in for any data input. Watch this space!

Last updated