Asset Array

Auto Index - when checked the node will automatically output all indices.

Index - the index to be used from the Assets list.

Assets - drag an Assets or Assets (.svg/ .csv/ .png etc) into this attribute. A connection icon will appear. Clicking on the icon will pop up the list of assets. You can drag the items to reorder them.

Example usage:

  1. Drag 2 .png files from Finder/Explorer into the Assets Window.

  2. Right click on the Group that was created in import containing the .png files and choose Create Array from Group. This will create an Asset Array with 3 indices connected to each .png file.

  3. Create a Rectangle.

  4. Open the Fill tab.

  5. Right click on the Shaders attribute and select Add Shader > Image Shader.

  6. Connect the Asset Array to the Image slot on the Image Shader.

  7. Select the Rectangle in the Scene Window and alt + click on the Duplicator icon in the Shelf.

This will create a grid of 9 rectangles each with alternating images. If you wanted to randomise this sequence you could add a Random Behaviour with a Minimum of 0 and Maximum of 1 and connect it to the Index of the Asset Array.

See the Dynamic Rendering section for some examples of how this node can be put to good use.

Last updated