Composition Constraint

Constrain Elements to your Composition.

Width - set the percentage from the centre of the comp to align your object to the width of the composition.

Height - set the percentage from the centre of the comp to align your object to the height of the composition.

Offset - add/subtract a value (px) to the width and height settings.

Example workflow:

  1. Create a Text Shape.

  2. Create a Comp Constraint (Atom).

  3. Connect > textShape.position

  4. Set Width to 0%.

  5. Set Offset X to 50.

When you change your resolution settings (width) the Text Shape will stay 50px from the left edge.

In combination with Dynamic Rendering this can be used to output several sizes of the same Composition. In the example below we've connected the Comp's Width and Height to a couple of Value Arrays and then connected the Dynamic Index from the Render Manager to the Array Index of the Value Array. We've also used the same technique to set the Text Shape's Size.

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