Transform Constraint

Constrain one Shape to another.

Target - the shape you'd like to constrain to.

Offset - move your object in x, y.

Rest Position - the position your Shape will return to when Position Strength is set to 0.

Rest Offset - add/subtract a value to the Rest Position.

Rest Rotation - the rotation your Shape will return to when Rotation Strength is set to 0.

Rotated Offset - add/subtract a value to the Rest Rest Rotation.

Position Strength - a multiplier to Out Position. Adjusting this value will determine the position of your Shape along a vector between 0, 0 and the transform of your Target.

Out Position [read only] - shows the [x, y] values being output by the Element. Where the Id connection combines both the x and y positions this attribute allows you to connect the separate [x, y] attributes to other Elements.

Rotation Strength - a multiplier to Out Rotation.

Out Rotation - connect this attribute to the rotation of another Shape.

Example workflow to pick up a Shape with another Shape:

The quick way:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 below (the long way).

  2. Move to frame 50.

  3. Select the Constraint.

  4. Navigate to Animation > Constraints > Transform Constraint Tools > Pick Up.

  5. Move to frame 150.

  6. Navigate to Animation > Constraints > Transform Constraint Tools > Drop

Now Hand should 'pick up' Ball at frame 50 and then 'drop' it again at frame 75.

The long way:

  1. Create 2 Shapes

  2. Name one 'Hand' and the other 'Ball'.

  3. Create a Transform Constraint.

  4. Connect constraint.outPosition > ball.position

  5. Connect Hand as your Target. on the Constraint.

  6. Set 2 position.x keys (fr0 = -200, fr200 = 200) for Hand (animate it horizontally).

  7. Set Position Strength on the Constraint to 0 for both X and Y.

  8. On frame 50, copy Hand's Position X value and paste it into the Constraint's Rest Position X.

  9. Set a key on Rest Position X.

  10. Go back one frame.

  11. Set a key on Position Strength X with a value of 0.

  12. Go forward one frame.

  13. Set a key on Position Strength X with a value of 100.

  14. Go to the first frame.

  15. Hit play.

At frame 50 Hand should 'pick up' Ball.

  1. Move to frame 74.

  2. Set a key for Position Strength X (should be a value of 100).

  3. Move to frame 75.

  4. Copy Hand's Position X value and paste it into the Constraint's Rest Position X.

  5. Set a key on Rest Position X.

  6. Set a key for Position Strength X with a value of 0.

  7. Go to the first frame.

  8. Hit play.

Now Hand should 'pick up' Ball at frame 50 and then 'drop' it again at frame 75.

Last updated