Shape menu

Create Editable Primitives - when creating Primitives (e.g. an ellipse) via the tools, convert them to geometry.

Make Editable - convert a Primitive (e.g. an ellipse) into geometry.

Make Editable Copy - copy and convert a Primitive (e.g. an ellipse) into geometry.

Bake Selected Shape - make a copy of a Shape with any deformation baked into it.

Separate - convert all closed paths into separate shapes.

Separate to Editable - convert all closed paths into separate shapes and convert to editable shapes.

Merge - combine multiple shapes into one shape. Note - this is not a boolean.

Merge to Editable - combine multiple shapes into one editable shape. Note - this is not a boolean.

Deform along Path - using the first two selected shapes this will deform the first along the second. For example, select a Shape and then a Path and then run this command. A Pathfinder will be created and connected as a Deformer to the Shape and the Path will be added as its Input Path.

Center Pivot - move the pivot to the centre of a Shape's bounding box.

Center Pivot (Centroid) - move the pivot to the Shape's centre of mass. This can also be useful for finding the optical center of shapes.

Freeze Transform - set the selected Shape's current transformations to zero.

Reset Transform - reset the transform (position, rotation, scale, skew and pivot) to defaults.

Close Contour - close an open contour.

Open Contour - open a closed contour.

Join Contours - join two end points of separate contours on the same path to make one contour.

Lock Bézier Handle - if a bezier handle(s) is unlocked, set it to locked.

Unlock Bézier Handle - if a bezier handle(s) is locked, set it to unlocked.

Convert to Corner Point - convert a bezier point to a corner point.

Convert to Bézier Point - convert a corner point to a bezier point.

Delete Selected Points - remove all selected points.

Boolean (Union) -

Boolean (Difference) -

Boolean (Intersection) -

Boolean (Exclude) -

Make First Point - with a point selected, running this command will set that point to Point Index 0.

Reverse Contours - reverse the direction of a contour.

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