Path Distribution

Place Shapes along a path or paths.


Count Mode:

  • Per Shape - distribute shapes along the entire shape. For example, if you used a Duplicator as your Input Shape, the value in Count would be distributed evenly across the entire Shape.

  • Per Sub-Mesh - distribute shapes along each sub-mesh. For example, if you used a Duplicator as your Input Shape, the value in Count would be distributed evenly across each sub-mesh resulting in a total of[Count] x [the Count of the Input Shape] Shapes.

  • Per Contour - distribute shapes across each contour. For example, if you used a path you had created with the Pencil containing more than one line (contour) as your Input Shape, the value in Count would be distributed evenly across each of those contours.

Count - set the number of duplicated shapes per [Count Mode].

Input Shape - add the Shape to distribute shapes along.

Travel - move your shapes along a percentage of the Input Shape’s length.

Length - set the length of the path that will be used (1 = full length).

Use Rotation - align the duplicated shapes along the normals of the path.

Flip - reverse the direction of the path.

Offset - offset shapes around the path.

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