Select tool

Select and transform Shapes.

The Select tool can be used to select, move, rotate and scale Shapes.



To select a Shape simply click one. To select several shapes either:

  • click + drag the cursor to create a marquee selection or;

  • Usectrl/cmd + click for add more Shapes to your selection.


To move a Shape simply click + drag in the Viewport.


To rotate a Shape, with a Shape selected, move your cursor to the outside corners of the bounding box. The cursor will change to a curved arrow. click + drag to rotate.

Holding shift as you drag will activating snapping. See Tool Settings below.


To scale a Shape, with a Shape selected, move your cursor to the corners of the bounding box. The cursor will change to a double sided arrow. click + drag to scale.

Holding shift as you drag will constrain the scaling to both axis.


Hold alt/optionor double click pivot and hold to edit a pivot's position.

Hold shift to snap a pivot to its bounding box (centre and edges).

Tool Settings

Set the Snap Angle for rotation. Hold shift when rotating to activate snapping.

Last updated