Animation Utilities

A selection of helpful utility commands.

Bake Keyframes [beta] - this command will take any animation curve and attempt to simplify it based the accuracy setting chosen (Low, Medium or High). A higher setting will result in a more accurate shape but will create more points.

Snap Selected to Current Frame - snap all selected keys to the current frame.

Reverse Animation - reverse the animation curves of selected attributes. Select an attribute or attributes in the Scene Window and hit the button.

Reset Transform Attributes - reset the Position, Rotation, Scale and Pivot attributes on a Shape or Shapes. Select a Shape(s) and hit the button.

Crop Animation to Selected Keys - delete any non selected keys. Select several keys and hit the button. This command will only affect attributes which include selected keys.

Delete Animation for Element - delete all animation for selected Elements.

Nudge Value - increase/ decrease the value of selected keys. Set a +/- value and hit Go!

Nudge Frame - increase/ decrease the frame of selected keys. Set a +/- value and hit Go!

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