Sub-Mesh Bounding Box

Beta Feature - check Show Beta Features in the Preferences Window to enable this node.

Common Attributes +

Input Shape - connect any other Shape containing sub-meshes. See Sub-Mesh for more info on sub-meshes.

Level - set the level within the sub-mesh's hierarchy to affect.

Expand - increase/ decrease the size of the bounding boxes generated.

Minimum Size - set a minimum width and height for the bounding boxes.

Specific Indices - enter specific ids for each sub-mesh to create a bounding box around. Enter comma separated values (e.g. 0, 4, 7) or create ranges using colons (e.g. 1:4) or a combination of both (e.g. 2, 3:5).

Remember that ids start at 0 so the first word in a string would be id0.

Example usage:

  1. Create a Sub-Mesh Bounding Box Shape.

  2. Set its Fill Color to green.

  3. Create a Text Shape.

  4. Enter Sub-Mesh Bounding Box into the Text attribute.

  5. Connect > subMeshBoundingBox.inputShape.

  6. Set the Level to 2 (Words are the 2nd level of the sub-mesh within a Text Shape).

  7. Enter 0,2 into the Specific Indices attribute.

Green boxes will be drawn around the words Sub-Mesh and Box.

Last updated