Length Context

Use the length of paths to affect other attributes

Length Context allows you to read the length of a path or paths and pass values through to affect any other attribute.

Remapping - remap the incoming values.

Example usage:

  1. Create some Trails as per the example usage on the Trails page.

  2. Add a Random Behaviour to trails.length

  3. Set the Random Behaviour's Minimum to 10 and the Maximum to 200.

  4. Create a Length Context.

  5. Set:

    1. Source Minimum to 0

    2. Source Maximum to 200

    3. Minimum to 1

    4. Maximum to 40

  6. Connect lengthContext.id > trails.strokeMaterial.width

  7. Press Play.

As the Trails grow in length their Stroke Width will increase (1px when they have a length of 0, 40 at 200).

Try a similar thing with Color (adjust the remap values accordingly) or Connect Shape.

Last updated